Places Visited


Carmargue, France

Located between the two arms of the Rhone river delta, this huge area is a mix of nature reserve, agricultural areas and housing. Carmargue sports more than 400 species of birds. Due to its size, a little upfront planning can pay off before visiting.

Observatoire Ornithologique de la Durance" is located by the river Durance in Merindol. This discrete location on the upper side of a small hydroelectric dam has 243 species on the checklist.

Canopy Lodge, Panama

Inside the ancient caldera of the vulcano El Valle, lies the town of El Valle de Antón. Here you can also find the Canopy Lodge, which offers comfortable housing in a private garden. And lots of birds.

Canopy Tower, Panama

The Canopy Tower, located inside Soberanía National Park, just north of Panama City, started its history as an US Air Force radar station. In 1999 it opened up as an eco lodge. Being a tower on the top of a hill, the view is obviously very good and the canopy's inhabitants are at your feet, literally.